Tuesday, May 5, 2009


So, yesterday - Monday - I was in a minor traffic accident.

I know!

What else is gonna happen to me!? Everyone at work was telling me to go get a blessing or something. I agree!

The kids are fine - they were in school and the Pilot is fine - only a few scratches.

Here's what happened.. I was coming from checking the mail at the PO, and I was at the Kanoelehua intersection waiting for the light to turn green. I was about the 4th car from the light. When the light turned green, we slowly started moving forward - but the driver behind me thought we were moving faster than we were actually going. So she accelerated into the back of me.

I slammed on my brakes to prevent from hitting the car in front of me - but thankfully that car had already driven off. After a few minutes of shock - I pulled over to the side of the road. I didn't even look to see if the other driver was there or not. But thankfully, she followed me and came to my window. I was shaking and practically hyper-ventilating - I couldn't believe THIS WAS HAPPENING TO ME!!!!

The driver was a super nice lady who tried her best to keep me calm and she tried to call anyone I could think of - but not the police. I didn't need an ambulance - I just wanted someone I knew to come to my aid. I couldn't think straight. I had her calling Roy's work number repeatedly. I knew he wasn't there..... but that's all my brain was coming up with... OMG-call Roy-OMG-call Roy-call Roy. After a lot of failed attempts, she offered to drive me to the National Guard Armory (which was just behind where we were).

Once we got there... I found someone who took care of me and saw me safely home. Thank God! I can honestly say - I was saved by the National Guard! Heartfelt Mahalo's to David Ferreira and Mike Perez.

Today, my body hurts... but I went to work and did okay. I still hurt now, but some Tylenol PM will do the trick.

Above all.. I have learned that I can handle most of what the universe throws at me.
(And when I'm in a jam.. call on the Guard!)


Unknown said...

Oh more I say. No more. It gets tough when you get the universes gifts one after another but as you least you have the guard.

Be safe my friend.